ALERT ALERT ALERT!!! Cartons, not hand-dipped, but I will certainly take it! View this post on Instagram THRIFTY ICE CREAM SPOTTED IN WASHINGTON STATE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. You…
So.. About that 2016, huh? Here’s a basic, completely honest guide to what was inside my head during 2013 as categorized by five(ish) values that I chose before the end…
It’s been two weeks since I’ve had LASIK. This is what is been like.
I got LASIK, and this is my experience
As a 90’s kid, the news of Pokemon GO was one of the greater things I’d heard last year! And now it’s finally out, and everyone’s playing! Not everyone, but this…
Today, I was prompted to create a playlist based on Ultimate Dance Party 1997. It’s the album my mom would have on in the car. Then, my sister and I…
The first leg of this trip began with a 12:50a redeye flight from SeaTac to Chicago O’Hare. The airport at 10:30pm was the emptiest I’ve seen an airport. The security…
[This post is so late. PAX Prime happened like two months ago, I wrote this piece over one month ago. Better late than never, right? I’ll post all of the…
For the past few years, I’ve toyed with the idea of making games. I love games and I love making things. Not only are there a zillion avenues to begin…
The Decision Five months ago, I moved to a new city without a job lined up after my temporary contract with my old position ends. The first thing I did was…