Hello there! I would like to express my saddening disappointment in your store locator function. I have recently relocated to Seattle from California (you probably know where this is going)…
Link to gallery page: 10-25-2014 – Rock The Ship Concert – Thee Parkside – San Francisco, CA A few weekends ago, I had the pleasure of getting to shoot [photos…
I own a Kindle, but I keep finding that it’s waaaay more convenient to be reading using the Kindle app on my iPhone. The small screen doesn’t bother me, especially…
2013 was… Interesting. Disclaimer: This year wasn’t all bad news. I learned things, made new friends, tried new things, made some cool stuff, went a couple places, got on TV,…
Anytime I mention fitness and getting into shape, I’m bombarded with comments saying “But you look fine/good/great/gorgeous/pretty/insert-something-else-nice-here!” First of all, please don’t get me wrong. These are all VERY nice…
Have you ever needed help with something? Yes. You have. Don’t even try to pretend. Were you unsatisfied with your customer service, but the problem did get solved? If so,…
[UPDATE!! I’ve added the support representative’s reply! Things like this just make the day better. I think I’m going to start opening ALL support tickets in story-time fashion, not just…
Twice per year I go through a mental breakup/rebound process. I have to wean myself off of San Francisco Giants baseball and rebound to San Jose Sharks hockey every fall,…
[NOTE: This was originally posted to my Facebook notes a while back, but I think it’s appropriate to reblog here. It’s pretty entertaining. Have fun!] It’s 11-11-04, which was my…
I love my iPhone. A lot. It does everything that I need it to quickly and very well. I do, however, have one single qualm. The new lightning port. Manufacturers…